The new year is rolling and IRgA is offering members two opportunities to learn and grow their businesses:
February 13, 10 a.m. Central: Create a Championship Team - Does your current team have what it takes to help you reach your goals? Do your “players” even play as a team? This webinar, led by industry veteran Dave Fellman, will help you quantify the skills and attitudes of your current employees, and from there to build improvement plans to get them where you need them to be. Click here to learn more and to register.
April 24, 10 a.m. Central: Tapping the ADA Signage Market - Every building needs ADA signage, and it has very specific requirements. Those two things mean it's a decent market for reprographics firms. This panel discussion will feature representatives of repro firms who are doing the work. They will describe their experiences and answer questions. Click here to register.
These are members-only events. If you're not a member and would like to attend, join today by clicking here!