(UPDATE: Alvin & Co. is being relaunched. Read more here.)
By Ed Avis
Alvin & Co, which has provided drafting equipment and supplies for 70 years, is closing.
“This has been a difficult year for all of us with the COVID-19 pandemic, the school shutdowns and world-wide interruptions in supply chain,” said Scott Shoham, the company’s CEO and son of founder Al “Alvin” Shoham. “Alvin & Co. has especially faced some unprecedented challenges. It is with a heavy heart that I announce the closure of Alvin & Company on this September 4th, 2020.”
The company is well known for its professional drafting supplies, art supplies and furniture. Alvin equipment can be found in reprographics shops, design firms, schools and colleges around the world. In addition to its own brands, the company distributes almost 200 brands of art supplies and tools.
Brett Bryan, Alvin’s general manager, says the fact that schools were unable to place their normal orders created difficulties for the company, on top of the stress already created by COVID shutdowns.
“Also, Scott has run the business for many years, and he doesn’t have any kids to take it over,” Bryan says. “I think he’s ready to retire. The company is not in dire straits – it’s not going into bankruptcy – but Scott wants to get out on his own time. It was a good run.”
Bryan says he does not know if Shoham will ultimately transfer the brands to a different company, but that is a possibility. The company currently has 25 employees, down from 50 pre-COVID.
All orders currently in the queue will be filled, Bryan says, but no new orders are being taken.
In a written announcement, Shoham added:
“I would like to say ‘thank you’ to all of our customers who supported us and promoted our products. Without you, there would not have been a business. We are truly grateful for your support over all these years.
“My father… started this business in 1950, right after the war. He used to say, sell them a ‘quality product at a fair price.’ I feel we always delivered on his promise.
“In closing, we know that you have always had choices when it comes to where you procure your products. We are grateful for all the years that you choose Alvin.”