Good web marketing is essential to small business success. APDSP wants to help you succeed in this area, and we're offering three options: a recorded webinar on the topic; a discount on web marketing services; and an in-person workshop for hands-on instruction.
1) The webinar occurred February 9 and featured Blake Meyer, a senior consultant at Marketing360, a firm that specializes in helping small businesses market online. In this one-hour presentation, Meyer covered a lot of ground, from a few key elements of successful business websites to the value of content marketing. Click here to view this recorded webinar.
2) APDSP has entered into a partnership with Marketing360 that offers $100 off every month of service. This reduces the cost of the basic service to $295 per month; the cost goes up if you add more options. Click here for details about this opportunity.
3) Hands-on instruction on web marketing will be the focus of the APDSP Workshop in Charlotte, NC on April 27-28. This will be a first-class tutorial by a bona fide expert, Brandon Lilly, Digital Marketing Strategist at Madwire, who regularly teaches small business owners how to maximize their web presence. Click here for more info about this event.