APDSP has begun running a series of google ads to drive traffic to the APDSP online Member Directory. This effort is targeted at construction industry professionals who are searching on google for reprographics-related products. Among the search terms that trigger the ad are "scanning," "blueprint," "large-format print," "sign-making," "graphics printing" and about a dozen others.
The idea behind the campaign is to persuade AEC professionals to use the APDSP Member Directory to choose a reprographics/graphics provider. The current ads and search terms will be evaluated and the program will be adjusted to maximize success.
"Once we see how things are working, we may focus the efforts specifically in geographic areas where our members are located, giving them a real advantage over local competitors," says Ed Avis, APDSP's managing director.
Please visit the APDSP online Member Directory by clicking here to make sure your listing is accurate and up to date. If it's not, log into the Member Center and make changes. You can also add your logo, links to videos, descriptions of your services, etc.