APDSP is looking for two forward-looking leaders to join the national board of directors! We are seeking one regular director -- an individual from a member reprographic firm -- and one vendor director.
- These individuals will help guide the association as it continues to evolve in the new reprographics era to better serve its members and the community.
- The Association welcomes individuals from any size firm for the director positions, whether they have had experience with association leadership or not. Feel free to nominate yourself! Nominees for the vendor director position should be from companies that make and/or sell products or services to the reprographics industry.
- Board members are expected to attend the association's annual convention and one other in-person meeting per year, plus participate in monthly phone conference calls and occasional e-mail discussions.
- Terms of board members are three years, and may be extended if the members enter the leadership ladder.
- Members are not compensated, but they receive the satisfaction of helping guide the broadest industry organization into a new era!
Nominations are due July 28, and the election will be held August 23 at a general membership meeting in Chicago.
Click here to nominate yourself or someone else.
Questions? Contact Ed Avis, 708-218-7755.