Epicomm logo
Las Vegas, Nevada - AMSP/NAPL/NAQP is now ‘Epicomm.’ The association’s new name and logo were revealed today its Executive Leadership Summit at The Wynn Las Vegas. The association was created on Jan. 1, 2014, through the merger of the Association of Marketing Service Providers, National Association for Printing Leadership, and National Association of Quick Printers and has operated under the name AMSP/NAPL/NAQP since that time.
“AMSP, NAPL, and NAQP have a long and distinguished history of service to the printing and mailing industry, but that industry is changing and we recognize that, if we are to serve our members’ evolving needs at the highest level, our association must change as well,” said Tom Duchene, Chairman of the association’s Board of Trustees, which selected the new brand following a comprehensive survey of more than 200 members from all industry segments by a third-party organization that specializes in association branding.
“By unifying our combined resources under our new Epicomm name--representative of the “epic communications” industry we serve--we are launching a new organization that is firmly focused on the future and ready to adapt to its challenges,” Duchene added.
“Change is a constant in our industry and tenaciously hanging on to the status quo is a recipe for failure,” said Epicomm President and Chief Executive Officer Ken Garner. “We have long advised our members that they must understand and leverage change for success and we’re practicing what we preach by proactively moving forward with a dynamic new brand that builds on our proud past and emphasizes our aspirations for an even brighter future.
“We are also looking to the future by launching new member-focused initiatives, including an in-depth member survey that will seek to understand more fully what Epicomm can and should provide its members in today’s evolving industry,” said Garner. “In addition to our new name, we have a new tagline?Association for Leaders in Print, Mail, Fulfillment, and Marketing Services?and we will be surveying members to learn how we can update our value proposition to ensure that we deliver services that will help them become and remain leaders in whatever segments of our industry they do business.
“Epicomm currently has services for every member’s needs, whether their primary interest is in industry advocacy on the legislative front, current and/or future management development, opportunities to meet with their peers and share experiences, individual company consulting, training for their sales staffs, accessing the latest information from industry experts on the varied issues they face, or taking advantage of expense-shaving programs from trusted vendors and suppliers,” added Garner. “Through our member survey, we will learn how to enhance these deliverables or develop new ones that will benefit our members as their needs change.”