(UPDATE: Alvin & Co. is being relaunched. Read more here.)
After Alvin & Co. announced that it was closing (click here to read the article), we received several emails from members asking about where they could find the supplies Alvin had offered. We have uncovered a few options.
First, if you’re seeking the paper products Alvin offered, you can get them from Seth Cole, which is the manufacturer that private-labeled Alvin’s paper products. Seth Cole is offering a 55 percent discount for APDSP members; 40 percent to non-member dealers. To order please contact mp.sales@e-arc.com or call 800-955-3729. Before ordering, make sure your APDSP membership is up to date. To download a list of the paper products available, click here.
If you’re seeking rain bags and shipping bags, they are available from Cylix. Contact Russ Bell at 888-978-4816 or russbell@peepsquirrel.com.
If you need other products that Alvin carried, these three companies carry some of them:
Pacific Arc -- https://www.pacificarc.us/
Engineer Supply -- https://www.engineersupply.com/
DEW Drafting Supplies - https://www.draftingsuppliesdew.com/
Are you aware of other companies offering products that Alvin previously offered? Please share them in the comments box below.