Cloud4MPS is an application that automates the management of remote devices, such as fleets of printers set up in FMs. It collects print device usage and status information, provides online reports, and helps with consumables management. It costs $4.95 per month, per device.
Remote Device Management gathers logs and/or meters from the remote devices and makes all the data available online. For the MPS scenarios, the reseller will have all the usage data for billing purposes and consumable replenishment. The servicing reseller will have access to the devices for proactive scheduling of preventative maintenance calls. Customer service will improve as the customer will never be called upon or messaged for meter reads.
Status and Usage specializes in comprehensive management information-based meter read solutions. We offer quick and accurate information collection and asset management for networked print devices in an easy-to-use interface. Our software is designed for use by novice office managers and sales associates as well as experienced technicians/administrators
Consumable Management can notify resellers when the ordering of consumables is required, intelligently by device and location. No significant intervention is required by users, procurement departments, or IT support. This drastically reduces transaction costs, the cost of administration, and consumables inventory and allows you to deploy your staff where they are most needed.
Print Tracking and Cost Recovery is Software as a Service designed for companies and organizations that use wide-format devices and need to track and allocate printing costs to client or projects. It is a cloud based solution based on the platform from The pricing model is device based as opposed to the number workstations being tracked this keeps the price low with no upfront costs.
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