Have you considered acquiring another reprographics firm as a strategy to grow? Then you'll want to attend an APDSP members-only webinar on August 16 at 10 a.m. Central. The event will feature a panel discussion among owners of three reprographics firms that have recently grown by acquisition. Each has followed a different path to growth, so attendees will learn a variety of strategies. Questions from attendees will be welcome.
The panelists will be:
- Carter Crisp from Crisp Imaging in California. Crisp Imaging is probably the fastest growing firm in the country, and they have grown largely through acquisitions. Click here to read more about Carter.
- Mark Langdon from Eastern Engineering. Eastern has made two strategic acquisitions in the past few years, as well as opening several new branches organically. Click here to read more about Eastern Engineering.
- Tom Taubenheim from A/E Graphics. Taubenheim's company recently acquired another firm in nearby market. Click here to read about that acquisition.
Click here to register for the webinar. If you're not a member, please click here to learn about the benefits of membership.