The APDSP webinar series continues in 2020 with four more opportunities to learn. These webinars, which are free to all members and last a maximum of 60 minutes, are a great way to stay fresh on some key topics.
February 25, 10 a.m. Central: No One Has Ever Died From Too Much Sales Management, by Dave Fellman
Dave Fellman is a veteran printing sales trainer. He writes regularly for APDSP Today, and has held several highly successful webinars for APDSP members in past years. He will break this webinar into three parts:
Part One: Stop thinking in terms of Hunters and Farmers. Sure, those are the common parallels, but they don’t really describe what modern sales professionals must do in order to succeed. To reach your sales goals, you probably need some combination of Engineers, Evangelists, Miners, Mechanics, Obstetricians and Pediatricians. Learn how to evaluate your current team, develop critical skills and attitudes, and make better sales hires in the future.
Part Two: Stop letting the inmates run the asylum. Do you let your production employees essentially manage themselves? Set their own schedules? Decide what to work on today and what to work on tomorrow? In a typical printing/signage/graphics company, everybody gets more management than the salespeople! And therefore just about everybody works more efficiently and produces better results.
Part 3: Money Talks! Let’s make sure that your compensation plan is saying exactly what you want it to say. It’s a sad fact that most sales compensation plans don’t work very well. You want yours to motivate your salespeople to high performance, and it’s sometimes hard to understand why the opportunity to earn more money doesn’t do that. It turns out that the “voice” of the money often isn’t clearly understood. Learn how to coordinate money and management to reward good behaviors and discourage poor ones.
Click here to register for the Sales Management webinar
May 12, 10 a.m. Central: Online Design Software, Panel
You want to compete with franchised sign companies and FedEx Office, and they attract a lot of customers with their easy-to-use online design software. This webinar will explore the options that reprographics shops can install on their own websites to help them compete. The panel will include members who use the software and representatives of vendors who offer it.
Click here to register for the Online Design Software webinar
August 18, 10 a.m. Central: Ideas for Generating Monthly Recurring Revenue, Panel
Wouldn’t it be great if enough cash flowed into your business from recurring revenue products to cover your basic expenses? This webinar will discuss the myriad options in reprographics for generating regular, monthly revenue from costumers, such as with subscription services, new worksite technology, and automatic supply replenishment. The panel will include members and vendors.
Click here to register for the Ideas for Generating Monthly Recurring Revenue Webinar
November 17, 10 a.m. Central: Ideas for Stimulating Walk-in Business, Panel
If you have a storefront location, are you maximizing the revenue you can generate from walk-in customers? This webinar will explain how to make your storefront appealing to consumers, and discuss options for items to sell them, ranging from “Happy Birthday” banners to photo enlargement to art supplies. The panel will include members who succeed with storefront sales.
Click here to register for the Ideas for Stimulating Walk-in Business Webinar