Editor’s Note: Mike Hobgood became president of RMX Network in 2021. The organization consists of Partners in 120 Markets spread across the United States and Canada. In this interview, Hobgood discussed his background, the strengths of RMX Network, and how the industry should work together.
Ed Avis: Tell me about what you did before you came to RMX Network.
Mike Hobgood: I began studying architecture at the University of Kansas, where I first learned about reprography. We were required to hand-ink each project on Mylar. Having already had three years of experience with AutoCAD, I quickly realized I could drive an hour to Western Blue in Kansas City and just have them print it, saving me 20+ hours on each project. I eventually transitioned to business school, earning a degree in marketing.
I joined ReproMAX in 2006, initially as the communications manager, before becoming the director of technology. As the industry changed, I began to focus on other parts of the organization, conferences, and color graphics, and I spent a lot of time working with Rick Bosworth to build the various Décor, Sales and Marketing programs we have today.
Rick Bosworth was president for 20 years. In that time since he left, what has changed at RMX Network?
Hobgood: Under Rick Bosworth's leadership, we built a strong foundation. Since his retirement, there have been subtle changes. Our core mission remains the same: making each RMX Network member more competitive as their markets and businesses evolve.
What are the main programs of RMX Network that help make a member competitive?
Hobgood: There's a number of things that we are constantly tracking, technology, communication, process, education, and more, but at the end of the day, what makes RMX partners competitive is their investment in other Partners’ success. They do a lot of collaboration, they do a lot of confidential information sharing, and out of that information, we build and manage programs to make them more competitive.
How does RMX facilitate that communication, that information sharing among members?
Hobgood: I've made the argument for years that Google and vendors can be a good source of information, however, confidential discussions with trusted, like-minded professionals provide significantly more value.
To facilitate those types of communication, you must always utilize the latest methods of communication. That's always been the number one way that we've demonstrated the power of the network, whether it be through digital tools or face-to-face meetings. Communication, in my perspective, is undergoing a pretty massive change. Now, you need to adapt to how people manage their time and how they want to consume and share information. It’s going to be a challenge for every organization.
So other than picking up the phone or sending an email, what works?
Hobgood: We are looking at mobile technologies and a way to make it easy for people to adopt and change to new methods.
Are you looking for new partners?
Hobgood: Yes, there are a few primary and secondary MSAs without an RMX Partner, and we would welcome a new Partner in those areas. But it's not always down to the geographic market, there are other factors that go into the decisions. It must be a good overall fit for the Network.
What do you think about the future of reprographics?
Hobgood: I don't think traditional repro is going to grow, but it's also not going away anytime soon. I still think there are new opportunities that are going to grow out of parallel markets or other related business units. The future is evolving to the needs of your customers and their markets.
Are there things that you think IRgA and RMX Network should be working together on?
Hobgood: Yes, if there's a competitive advantage for collaboration, then it's really the responsibility of the network to engage in that. Generally speaking, everyone in the reprographics industry doesn't want to see any other company fail. When governing policy or laws change or if catastrophic events occur, that's something everyone should know about and be willing to discuss and help.
One strength of IRGA is that we have a good relationship with the German Reprographic Association. In fact, I'm on my way to a conference there in October. If any of your partners ever needs a provider in Europe for a client who has offices in Europe, let me know and I can make a connection for them. And if you or some RMX members ever want to travel to Europe to visit reprographics firms, let me know.
Hobgood: Well, that's good to know. We have several key business partners in Europe that we work with and a few in South America and Asia. The Germany trip sounds interesting. In the past, we have had a group of people who have attended DRUPA. (a major print show in Germany that will occur May 28 to June 7, 2024 in Dusseldorf).
DRUPA would be a great reason for a trip. Then afterwards we could visit some reprographics shops as a group. Let’s keep talking about that.
Thank you for your time today, Mike.