Are you considering acquiring a new large-format color printer? You have lots of choices, but a good way to get a user's viewpoint on some of the most popular choices would be to attend the APDSP members-only webinar on Tuesday, July 10, at 10 a.m. Central.
Tuesday's webinar will feature your colleagues answering key questions about their experiences, such as how dependable their printers are, how often they need maintenance, how difficult they are to run, what their print costs are, etc. And attendees will be invited to ask the panelists their own questions!
The confirmed panelists as of today are:
- Trent Ainsworth, Owner, Beeline and Blue, Des Moines, IA, who will discuss his experiences with his company's HP PageWide printer.
- Denny Mezzapesa, Wide Format Printing Specialist, ARESCO, Hicksville, NY, who will share his experiences with his Canon/Oce wide-format color printers.
- Adam Garnett, Manager, Eastward Sales, New Brunswick, Canada, who will answer questions about his company's Vortex printer.
And we are working on finding a panelist who can discuss his or her experience with a KIP color printer.
To register for the webinar, please click here.